Fabiola Benoit is a woman who wants to see things happen around her. Of a calm nature, she is nevertheless very dynamic and you will no doubt see her very involved in several initiatives. She is someone who has the gift of encouraging others with her deep reflections and her words of wisdom. She holds a bachelor's degree in applied economics from the CTPEA, and a master's degree from the University of Montreal. Fabiola has a long experience in economic policy and debt management at the BRH where she has worked for more than 10 years. She also had a short stint at the Ministry of Economy and Finance and at the IMF.

In addition to economics, she is also interested in entrepreneurship, which she believes can make an extraordinary difference in the lives of individuals and can bring about considerable change in communities. Hence her involvement in some entrepreneurial initiatives such as CEDEL Haiti, BRENN and SheBuilds Global Initiative.

Fabiola Benoit is very involved in the social. Putting herself at the service of her community is a way for Fabiola to be grateful for life and also to give back to this community a little of what she has benefited from it.